What Next?

The outdoor bowling season, made particularly difficult by the covid-19 virus, has now ended. In normal times the Prestonfield Club members would simply move to the next door community centre and continue playing Short Mat bowls two afternoons each week. Unfortunately, with community centres still closed that option for senior citizens to exercise and socialiseContinue reading “What Next?”

Lease Renewal

The Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club, like other sports clubs, has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. This was particularly troubling as the Club’s lease on its Prestonfield Park bowling green was due to expire in November 2020 with more expensive terms for lease renewal on offer. The Club is therefore very gratefulContinue reading “Lease Renewal”

Indoor Bowls 2020-21

As with other City of Edinburgh Community Centres the Cameron House Community Education Centre has been closed since the covid-19 lockdown began in March. Usually, when the outdoor lawn bowls season ends the members of the Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club (CH&PBC) change to playing Short Mat Bowls in Cameron House. This is runContinue reading “Indoor Bowls 2020-21”

Bowling Blues

The Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club is a small community club, located in Prestonfield Park. It is usually a great place to enjoy exercise outdoors, particularly beneficial for more senior members of the Prestonfield community in providing a friendly place to meet in the afternoons. Unfortunately, the covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc with allContinue reading “Bowling Blues”

New Members Welcome

Cameron House & Prestonfield Bowling Club, the local community club in Prestonfield Park, is now open 2pm – 4pm Monday to Friday. New Members and Visitors are welcome. The reduced subscription to play until the end of October is only £50. Visitors can pay per session. The Club adheres to the Scottish Government and BowlingContinue reading “New Members Welcome”

Green Re-Opening 15 July 2020

Since the coronavirus and lockdown in March the Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club’s green has been maintained as well as possible by volunteers. This has been very problematic given so many members have been self-isolating or shielding. However the green is now more or less playable and the Phase 3 Stage out of lockdownContinue reading “Green Re-Opening 15 July 2020”

Annual Meeting Decisions

As the Club’s AGM, scheduled for 25 March 2020, was a victim of the coronavirus lockdown an EGM was held instead on 24 June 2020. At the EGM the following decisions were made by the membership: The Minutes of the 2019 AGM, the Secretary’s Report, and the Treasurer’s Report were all accepted without amendment andContinue reading “Annual Meeting Decisions”

Bowls Scotland’s Covid-19 Phase 2 Guidance

Phase 2 Updated Guidance issued 24 June 2020 Main points from the point of view of Cameron House & Prestonfield Bowling Club: Any club NOT following the Bowls Scotland guidance may be deemed as bringing the game into disrepute and may be subject to disciplinary action Clubs should check with their landlord that they haveContinue reading “Bowls Scotland’s Covid-19 Phase 2 Guidance”

Prestonfield Bowling Club EGM

An EGM is necessary because the usual AGM, set for 25 March 2020, was scuppered by the coronavirus lockdown. And this EGM will indeed be extraordinary; as several members have no computer access it will be conducted by postal correspondence. Agenda and background papers will be sent out on Thursday 28 May. Any motions shouldContinue reading “Prestonfield Bowling Club EGM”

Return to Bowling at Prestonfield?

The Scottish Government published its Route Map out of the Coronavirus lockdown on 21st May 2020. In Phase 1 of the gradual release from lockdown, starting Friday 29th May, playing Bowls will be permitted under certain conditions. On the 22nd Bowls Scotland issued a guidance document on what will be allowed and procedures to beContinue reading “Return to Bowling at Prestonfield?”

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