One Green Door Closes and Another Green Door Opens

As the curtain falls on the Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club, victim of an ageing membership and a pandemic, the Club’s officers have discussed the possible future of the bowling green with representatives of its owners, the City of Edinburgh Council. The Club’s view is that the best interests of the local community wouldContinue reading “One Green Door Closes and Another Green Door Opens”

The Last End

The covid-19 pandemic, together with declining membership and increased overheads, has resulted in the remaining members of The Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowls Club agreeing to the Club’s dissolution. The bowling green is leased from the City of Edinburgh Council and it is conceivable they may find a new bowling club to take over. However,Continue reading “The Last End”

Still Game till Flag Lowered

In normal times the Club has its AGM in mid-March followed by the bowling green opening day in mid-April. but these are not normal times. March, April, and the summer of 2020 were severely disrupted by the covid-19 pandemic. Much the same now applies to March and April in 2021. Our usual contact point, CameronContinue reading “Still Game till Flag Lowered”

Bowled Out

The Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club is almost certain to close this year. Although efforts at gardening and maintenance work have been made out over the past few months the loss of members and loss of income resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic renders the Club essentially non-viable. The green is leased from the CouncilContinue reading “Bowled Out”

Whither Public Bowling?

Does Leeds have any relevance for Edinburgh? Through November and December 2020 there has been a lot of discussion about Leeds City Council’s plan to scrap 31 of the city’s 62 bowling greens. According to the Council’s consultation paper there are 62 greens on 48 separate sites that it manages and 31 of the greensContinue reading “Whither Public Bowling?”

Seasons End, Work Doesn’t

It may be November, with Christmas clearly on the three-household horizon, and a cancelled Hogmanay soon after, but in bowling terms it’s still groundhog day, sorry ground maintenance day. Since the bizarre covid-19 blighted season ended the President of the Prestonfield Bowling Club has being doing sterling maintenance work with occasional assistance from the ClubContinue reading “Seasons End, Work Doesn’t”

What Next?

The outdoor bowling season, made particularly difficult by the covid-19 virus, has now ended. In normal times the Prestonfield Club members would simply move to the next door community centre and continue playing Short Mat bowls two afternoons each week. Unfortunately, with community centres still closed that option for senior citizens to exercise and socialiseContinue reading “What Next?”

Lease Renewal

The Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club, like other sports clubs, has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. This was particularly troubling as the Club’s lease on its Prestonfield Park bowling green was due to expire in November 2020 with more expensive terms for lease renewal on offer. The Club is therefore very gratefulContinue reading “Lease Renewal”

Indoor Bowls 2020-21

As with other City of Edinburgh Community Centres the Cameron House Community Education Centre has been closed since the covid-19 lockdown began in March. Usually, when the outdoor lawn bowls season ends the members of the Cameron House and Prestonfield Bowling Club (CH&PBC) change to playing Short Mat Bowls in Cameron House. This is runContinue reading “Indoor Bowls 2020-21”

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